Please help us to sign our petition to House Representatives (EN0659 and EN0661)
Dear brother and sister,
Eid Mubarak to you all from our Uyghur community in Australia. As you may hear on the news
internationally about so-called ‘Re-education Camp’ in current Xinjiang (East Turkistan), Northwest of China (it is our
home East Turkistan) and locked up millions of Turkic Muslims. They are Uyghurs, Kazak, Kyrgyz,
Uzbek, Tatars and many more. The latest estimate numbers have reached 3 million. Uyghur
Community in Australia is in action to take their voice to Australian Parliament house to have a
public hearing at the House of Representative. For doing so, we need to get enough numbers of
people to sign our petition to get the Committee’s attention.
If you are passionate about to give voiceless and repressed people voice and help them, please sign
this petition. Please also spread the word, let as many people know as you can possibly can.
Step1: go to and drop down the arrow on the
Parliamentary Business column and select Petitions. Then go to Petition list under Housing of
representatives and click e-Petition. When you see Search box, please enter EN0659. You will
see our petition under the name of Mr NURMUHAMMAD MAJID.
Step2: Click ‘sign’ in blue, enter your title, names and email address. Making sure you confirm you
are not Robot and agree ‘terms and condition’.
Step 3: you will receive email from Australian Parliament House. Making sure that your go to the
email and confirm.
Your petition signature is received by the Parliament House, when you have completed all these four
steps. Or Simply scan QR code below.
Well done and Thank You.
Also, we also have e-petition from our community member Mr Almas Nizamidin and petition
number is EN0661. This petition is for his wife. If you could follow the same steps and sign this
petition, you make difference on and a step closer to his goal of bringing his wife home from Chinese