Press Release—for immediate release
Contact: Nurmuhammad Majid; Ph: 0435 359 449 Adam Turan: Ph: 0411 857 847
East Turkistan Australian Association is calling all to join our marches in Adelaide and Melbourne to Condemn the Chinese Genocide Polices on Uyghur and other Turkic Muslims of East Turkistan to be held on Friday 8th February 2019 @10:00-12:00pm at Chinese Consulate in Melbourne and @3:00pm to 5:00pm at Victoria Square, Adelaide respectively. All Adelaide Residents and supporters to join the Rally in Adelaide and all Melbourne Residents and supporters to joint the protest in Victoria. Similar Protest to be held in Sydney on the Same day under the coordination of Australian Uyghur Association.
The protests primarily focus on the alarming situation of Uyghur and other Turkic Muslims of East Turkistan, where there were more than TWO million of Muslims where arbitrarily detained in the Mass Internment Camps of Chinese evil State. UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) to say that it suspected that 1 million Uyghurs are currently being held in a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy.” (CERD report). In the camps, officials seek to brainwash prisoners to disavow Islam and pledge loyalty to the Communist Party, and torture those who refuse, eyewitnesses have said. Arbitrary detentions without charge or trial are the norm for prisoners in these camps, and ethnic Uyghur Muslims have been “disappeared” in large numbers. Common “crimes” are “viewing foreign websites, taking phone calls from relatives abroad, praying regularly or growing a beard.” The widespread use of arbitrary detention is also being used as a tool to force Uyghurs abroad into silence.
The situation in the Uyghur homeland has dramatically deteriorated. The detention camps under the label of “re-education” centers were established in almost all part of the East Turkistan. The detention centers have multiplied rapidly in the latter half of 2017 and have literally turned the East Turkistan into a dystopian state. Those Uighurs who are suspected of going against the party’s teachings, being “double faced”, harboring “dangerous ideas”, “religiously suspicious” or being “politically unreliable” are being interned in these centers.
The lives inside these extremely institutionalized centers are horrific—they are being politically terrorized, psychologically abused and morally degraded. With no legal means to defend themselves against forcible confinement in these centers, the Uyghurs are left with no other devices than relying on their survival instincts. As such, the entire East Turkistan has been deformed into a surveillance state monitored by such cutting edge technologies as facial recognition, DNA profiling and omnipresent security cameras. As a result, the Uyghurs are completely stripped of their right to free movement, free assembly and free expression. Instead, they have further been in more tight corners to lose hope for the future.
The scheduled protests are also dedicated to the 22nd Anniversary of Ghulja Massacre which took place on 5th February 1997 where thousands of Uyghurs were killed by the excessive armed crackdown by the Chinese authorities.
With our voice and legitimate means of freedom of Speech, we condemn all types of genocide and crimes against humanity committed by Chinese Regime throughout 69 years of unlawful occupation of our motherland- East Turkistan. We call Australia and other international community to stand up for the freedom and liberty of East Turkistan, we demand the immediate closure of illegitimate Detention Camps that aimed to target the Uyghur Muslims by depriving their religious, ethnic, cultural, political, social and other human rights. The Media groups are also alarmed to bring such unprecedented human tragedy to the attention of the global community.