4 ways the U.S. can raise human rights issues with China

Editor’s Note: China is advancing an illiberal alternative to the universal values that the United States and its partners have championed for decades, writes Ryan Hass. On the 28th anniversary of the Tiananmen Incident, it’s worth remembering China’s expanding efforts to muzzle criticism of its human rights record. This piece originally appeared on The Hill. Beijing’s recent intimidation…

Comparing the Brainwashing of Uighurs With the Party’s Anti-Falun Gong Campaign

On a blank sheet of paper free from any mark, the freshest and most beautiful characters can be written; the freshest and most beautiful pictures can be painted.   — Mao Zedong Extend special invitations to the Autonomous Region Women’s League Propaganda Troupe to visit… important villagers and education-transformation bases to hold ‘thanking the Party, listening…

Islam in Xinjiang: “De-Extremification” or Violation of Religious Space?

As recently reported in the press, since Spring 2017, hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs and other minority Muslims in Xinjiang have “disappeared” into “political re-education centres,”euphemistically labelled mäktäp (Uy. schools) by frightened locals. Their purported crimes vary from travelling abroad to study (or having a relative who did so) to having Western social media apps on their phone. Most…

Every new car in China must have a tracking chip starting next year

China’s surveillance state already tracks people’s faces. Now it’s also going to track their cars, the Wall Street Journal has reported (paywall). From July 1, China’s Ministry of Public Security will oversee a program to install a radio-frequency identification chip in the windshields of new cars when they’re registered. While installing the chips won’t be mandatory this…